Bubble.io vs Airtable

Bubble.io and Airtable are both powerful no-code tools, but they serve different purposes. Bubble.io is a full-fledged no-code platform focused on building complex web applications, while Airtable is more of a database management tool with a spreadsheet interface that supports basic automation and app-like functionalities. This comparison will help you understand the strengths and limitations of each platform, so you can choose the one that fits your needs.

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1. Target Audience and Use Cases


  • Web App Builders and Entrepreneurs: Bubble is tailored for users who want to create fully functional web applications (SaaS platforms, marketplaces, etc.) without needing to code.
  • Complex Web Applications: It’s ideal for building interactive, data-driven applications with both frontend and backend functionality.
  • No-Code Web Development: Primarily focused on startups and entrepreneurs who want to build MVPs or full-fledged web apps without coding skills.


  • Data Management for Teams and Organizations: Airtable is best suited for users who need a flexible, spreadsheet-like tool for managing and organizing data. It's often used by teams for project management, CRM, inventory tracking, and more.
  • Light App Building: While Airtable supports automations, views, and interfaces, its app-building capabilities are limited to lightweight tools like task managers or simple databases.
  • No-Code Databases: Airtable is designed to function as a relational database combined with the familiarity of spreadsheets.

Verdict: Choose Bubble.io if you need to build a full-scale web app with custom logic. Opt for Airtable if your goal is to organize data or build simple, database-driven solutions for internal team use.

2. Ease of Use


  • Requires Some Learning: While Bubble is a no-code platform, users will need time to understand workflows, databases, and UI design to fully utilize it. Building complex applications requires a deeper understanding of how Bubble’s backend and frontend interact.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Its interface is intuitive for those with basic knowledge of web design but can feel overwhelming for absolute beginners.


  • Simple and Intuitive: Airtable's interface is highly intuitive, designed for people familiar with spreadsheets. Users can quickly set up databases, create relationships between tables, and use automation tools without a steep learning curve.
  • Spreadsheet-Like Experience: Airtable combines the functionality of spreadsheets and databases, making it user-friendly for those without a technical background.

Verdict: Airtable is easier to use for beginners and teams managing data, while Bubble.io offers more power but requires a steeper learning curve for those building full web applications.

3. Design and Customization


  • Customizable UI: Bubble allows users to create highly customizable user interfaces for web applications using a drag-and-drop editor. You have full control over the layout, styling, and logic of the app, which is ideal for creating a unique user experience.
  • Responsive Design: Bubble offers tools to create responsive apps that work across different screen sizes, but it can take time to get the design exactly right for all devices.


  • Limited UI Customization: Airtable’s design capabilities are far more limited. While you can create different views (grids, calendars, kanbans) and share these with others, it's not built for creating fully custom user interfaces.
  • Basic Interface Builder: Airtable’s Interface Designer allows you to build simple, dashboard-like interfaces that display data, but it's not a substitute for full app development.

Verdict: Bubble.io offers far more flexibility and customization for designing fully interactive web applications. Airtable provides only basic interface options that are mainly suited for internal use and displaying data.

4. Backend and Functionality


  • Full-Stack Web App Development: Bubble enables users to build complex backend logic, manage databases, create user authentication, and integrate with APIs. It’s designed for building end-to-end applications that require dynamic data and interaction.
  • Workflows and Logic: Bubble lets users create complex workflows and automate processes within the application, making it more powerful for building interactive apps.


  • Relational Database with Automation: Airtable is essentially a relational database with powerful automation tools. While it doesn’t offer full backend logic, you can set up automations to trigger actions based on specific conditions (e.g., sending emails, creating records).
  • Limited Backend Capabilities: Airtable is not designed to serve as a full backend system. You can integrate it with external services, but it doesn’t have the flexibility for complex backend development that Bubble offers.

Verdict: Bubble.io provides a complete backend development solution, while Airtable excels in data management and basic automations but lacks the capability for advanced backend logic.

5. Performance and Scalability


  • Web App Performance: Bubble handles web app functionality well, but its performance can lag as the complexity of the app increases. You can optimize for performance, but large-scale applications with a lot of workflows or data processing may require external optimization.
  • Scalability for Web Applications: While Bubble is suited for scaling web apps, managing performance with a large user base or heavy traffic might require more effort and possibly external solutions for optimization.


  • Optimized for Data Management: Airtable is optimized for data management and light automation. It handles moderate amounts of data well but isn't built for running complex, high-traffic web apps.
  • Limited Scalability: Airtable’s scalability is limited to data-centric use cases, making it unsuitable for large-scale application development. However, it's more than sufficient for managing team-based projects or lightweight tools.

Verdict: Bubble.io offers better scalability for full web applications, while Airtable is ideal for smaller-scale data management and lightweight automations.

6. Integrations and Extensibility


  • API Integrations: Bubble offers powerful API integration options, allowing you to connect your app to third-party services and APIs. It’s highly extensible, making it easier to add functionality via external APIs.
  • Plugins: Bubble also has a marketplace of plugins that can extend its capabilities, though these are mainly focused on app-specific needs like payments or authentication.


  • Integration with Popular Tools: Airtable integrates seamlessly with tools like Zapier, Slack, Google Drive, and many other common business tools. It can be used as a backend database that connects with other services.
  • Extensibility via API: Airtable offers an API that allows developers to pull data from Airtable into other applications, but it’s not as extensible as Bubble for custom application logic.

Verdict: Bubble.io is more flexible and extensible when building full apps, while Airtable is easier to integrate with popular business tools but has more limited custom extensibility.

7. Pricing


  • Free Tier for MVPs: Bubble offers a free tier that allows users to experiment and build basic apps, but limitations like a Bubble.io domain and capped server capacity apply. Paid plans start at $29/month for more customization, domain setup, and better performance.
  • Pay for Features: As your app grows, you may need higher-tier plans for additional server capacity, scaling options, and more advanced features.


  • Free for Basic Use: Airtable offers a free plan with essential features, including basic automations and collaboration tools. Paid plans start at $10/month per user, which unlock more advanced features like greater storage, more records, and additional automations.
  • Affordable for Teams: Airtable’s pricing structure makes it accessible for teams and organizations that need data management tools with some automation capabilities.

Verdict: Airtable offers more affordable options for teams needing basic data management and light automation, while Bubble.io pricing is better suited for those building complete web applications.

Final Verdict

  • Choose Bubble.io if you need to build a fully functional, data-driven web app with custom UI and backend logic. It's ideal for startups or entrepreneurs looking to launch MVPs or full-scale applications.
  • Choose Airtable if you’re looking for a user-friendly, spreadsheet-like tool to manage databases and simple automations for team projects, CRMs, or inventory tracking. Airtable is great for organizing data and creating lightweight internal tools, but not for building complex apps.

In summary, Bubble.io excels in no-code web app development, while Airtable shines as a flexible, easy-to-use database management and collaboration tool. Choose based on whether you need to build a full app or manage data efficiently.

Pushing No-Code to Its Limits

Launching an app has never been more cost-effective and time-efficient. Platforms like Bubble.io and Flutter Flow have transformed the development landscape, enabling developers to create sophisticated applications rapidly.

Fast and Cost-Effective Launch

No-code platforms empower startups to launch their apps at lightning speed—often multiple times faster than traditional development—at a fraction of the cost. This agile approach helps startups focus on growth and innovation rather than high upfront development expenses.

Agile Iteration

For early-stage startups, quickly reaching a problem-solution fit is critical. No-code platforms allow rapid adaptation, letting you implement and push new features live in a matter of hours, not weeks. This flexibility means you can stay responsive to market needs and iterate on your product with ease.

Seamless Integration and Plugins

Platforms like Bubble.io and Flutter Flow come with built-in integrations and a wealth of plugins, giving you instant access to essential features and functionalities. Whether you're building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or scaling up, these platforms make it easy to connect with tools you need, from payments to analytics.

Version Control Made Simple

Launching new versions of your app has never been easier. No-code platforms provide flexible version control, enabling you to create save points, roll back to previous versions if needed, and experiment confidently

Mayfly Ventures: Leading the No-Code Frontier

While no-code development can have limitations in performance and certain functionalities, Mayfly Ventures, led by CTO Geo George, is pushing past these boundaries. We specialise in building high-performance, highly scalable MVPs with advanced features, deep integrations, and native user experiences that feel polished and professional.

Geo has been at the forefront of low-code development, becoming one of the earliest adopters of Bubble.io in Australia. Over the past six years, he’s honed his expertise in low-code and no-code capabilities, training the Mayfly team to push these platforms to their full potential.

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Startup mentor, product strategist, no-code wiz and PMF expert. Eclectic dance style.

Founding Partner

MUCUDU: deep integrations and AI wrapped in low code

Mayfly collaborated with the MUCUDU team to build a low-code MVP for their hospitality tech platform, which includes loyalty management, peer-to-peer monetary gifting, and Tab functionality. Beyond the standard integrations with Stripe, Apple, and Google for login and payments, we incorporated advanced integrations with Point of Sale systems like Doshii and AI-driven recommendations that personalize the dining experience.

With Mayfly Ventures, you get the speed and cost benefits of no-code, combined with the performance and functionality typically reserved for full-stack development.

VOLI Case Study: No-Code in Action

Before working with Mayfly, VOLI’s founder Charlie Crozier had approached 12 different development agencies. As a non-technical founder, Charlie struggled to get his app built and ready for users, with quotes ranging from $300,000 to $1 million. These high costs placed immense pressure on early capital raising.

“When we met Mayfly, both our budget and timeline were completely reevaluated. We were able to go to market at a fraction of the cost and time we had expected—without compromising on quality.”

—  Charlie Crozier, Founder

The Process:

Mayfly worked closely with VOLI through a series of workshops to deeply understand the product, its vision, and user needs. Leveraging no-code and low-code frameworks, we built an enterprise-grade app at a fraction of the cost quoted by other studios. Now in pilot testing, VOLI is preparing for release to 10 companies already on the waitlist.

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No-Code Tools We Love

We use state of the art low code tools and push them to the limit to create performant, scalable, highly functional mobile web apps.


A powerful no-code platform that lets you build fully functional web applications with drag-and-drop ease. Its flexibility allows you to design, develop, and launch complex apps quickly, without writing a single line of code.


A platform designed for building mobile apps using Google’s Flutter framework, Flutterflow simplifies the development process while offering extensive customization, making it a go-to tool for responsive, high-performance mobile applications.


A no-code backend platform that gives you the tools to manage your database, set up APIs, and create scalable back-end solutions, all without the need for server-side programming knowledge.

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