Bubble vs Webflow

When choosing a no-code platform to build a web app or website, Bubble.io and Webflow are two of the most popular options. However, they cater to different needs. While Bubble.io is more suited for building full web applications with powerful backend logic, Webflow excels at creating visually stunning, responsive websites with fine-tuned design control. In this comparison, we’ll explore how Bubble.io and Webflow differ in terms of functionality, use cases, and performance to help you decide which platform is the best fit for your project.

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1. Target Audience and Use Cases


  • Web Applications: Bubble is designed to be a full-stack, no-code platform for creating web applications. It allows users to build both the frontend (user interface) and backend (data workflows, database, logic) without writing code.
  • MVPs and Complex Apps: Bubble is particularly useful for building MVPs (Minimum Viable Products), SaaS platforms, and marketplaces where you need to handle user data, workflows, and interactive features.
  • Backend Power: With Bubble, users can create complex workflows, manage databases, and connect to APIs, which makes it suitable for projects that require robust backend functionality.


  • Websites and Landing Pages: Webflow is focused on web design and development, making it ideal for building visually appealing websites, portfolios, landing pages, and simple eCommerce sites.
  • Design-Focused Users: Webflow targets designers and marketers who want full control over the look and feel of their websites without writing code.
  • Lightweight CMS: While Webflow offers a content management system (CMS) that can handle blogs and dynamic content, it’s not built for complex web apps with intricate backend logic like Bubble.

Verdict: Choose Bubble.io if you need to build a full-fledged web application with backend functionality. Opt for Webflow if you’re focused on creating a highly customized and visually engaging website or landing page.

2. Ease of Use


  • Learning Curve: Bubble has a steeper learning curve because it combines both frontend design and backend logic. Users need to understand how to manage workflows, databases, and complex app logic. However, for those who want to build apps without code, it’s still more accessible than traditional coding.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Bubble’s visual editor lets users design their app’s UI by dragging and dropping elements. However, the focus on app functionality makes its UI design capabilities less polished than Webflow's.


  • User-Friendly for Designers: Webflow’s interface is highly intuitive, especially for designers familiar with tools like Photoshop or Figma. It offers precise control over HTML, CSS, and animations through its drag-and-drop editor.
  • Quick Setup: Users can quickly build responsive websites by taking advantage of Webflow’s extensive design tools and templates. Its focus on design makes it much easier to get a beautiful, functional site up and running.

Verdict: Webflow is more user-friendly for designers and easier to get started with, while Bubble.io has a steeper learning curve but offers far more backend flexibility for building web apps.

3. Design Capabilities


  • UI Design: Bubble’s drag-and-drop interface is suitable for building basic and functional UI layouts, but it lacks the finesse and pixel-perfect precision that Webflow offers. It focuses more on app workflows and backend logic than on high-end design.
  • Limited Design Flexibility: While Bubble allows for customization of elements and layouts, achieving responsive designs and advanced animations can be challenging compared to Webflow.


  • Pixel-Perfect Design: Webflow is one of the best no-code tools for creating pixel-perfect, responsive web designs. It allows complete control over the visual aspects of the site, including typography, spacing, colors, and advanced CSS animations.
  • Responsive Design Tools: Webflow makes building responsive designs across devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile) easy and intuitive. You can customize your design for different screen sizes with minimal effort.

Verdict: Webflow wins hands down in terms of design capabilities, offering more advanced and precise tools for creating stunning websites. Bubble.io is better suited for building functional apps but lacks advanced design options.

4. Backend and Functionality


  • Full-Stack Development: Bubble provides tools to build both the frontend and backend of your web application. It includes database management, user authentication, and API integrations, making it ideal for building complex apps with multiple user roles and workflows.
  • Workflows and Logic: Bubble's visual workflow editor lets users set up complex logic, conditional actions, and triggers based on user interactions or data changes.
  • Data Management: Bubble offers a built-in database where you can store user data, manage records, and create relationships between different data types.


  • Frontend-Only: Webflow is primarily a frontend design tool, so it doesn’t handle backend logic or data management like Bubble does. However, it does offer basic CMS functionality for managing dynamic content, like blog posts or portfolios.
  • Limited Logic and Workflows: Webflow doesn’t offer backend workflows, but you can use third-party integrations like Zapier to add simple automation or dynamic actions. For advanced backend features, you’ll need to connect Webflow to external services like Xano or Airtable.

Verdict: Bubble.io is far more powerful when it comes to building backend functionality and workflows, while Webflow excels at frontend design and requires external services for backend logic.

5. Performance and Scalability


  • Performance: Bubble can sometimes struggle with performance, especially as applications grow in complexity. Larger apps with many workflows and data sets can experience slower load times.
  • Scalability: Bubble scales well for small- to medium-sized web apps, but may require performance optimization and external services for larger, more complex applications.


  • Performance: Webflow sites are hosted on a robust infrastructure, delivering fast load times and high performance. It’s optimized for static sites, meaning that content-heavy or data-driven apps would need additional backend services.
  • Scalability: Webflow can easily handle scalability for websites, but it’s not built for scaling complex web apps that require heavy backend functionality.

Verdict: Webflow offers better out-of-the-box performance for websites, while Bubble.io can face performance challenges for complex apps. However, Bubble.io can scale with the right optimizations.

6. Pricing


  • Pricing Structure: Bubble offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans that start at $29/month, which unlock custom domains, larger databases, and API access. Higher-tier plans add more server capacity and collaboration features.
  • Value for App Builders: Bubble’s pricing is attractive for users building web apps that require both frontend and backend functionality, with scalability depending on your usage needs.


  • Pricing Structure: Webflow has free and paid plans, with site plans starting at $14/month for basic websites and $29/month for business-level sites. For eCommerce, prices start at $42/month. Webflow's costs increase depending on the number of projects and site features you need.
  • Value for Designers: Webflow’s pricing is best for users focused on design-heavy websites, and it becomes more expensive if you need CMS or eCommerce functionality.

Verdict: Bubble.io offers more value for users needing a complete web app builder, while Webflow is better suited for those focusing on high-quality web design at a competitive price.

Final Verdict

  • Choose Bubble.io if you’re looking to build a complete web application with both frontend and backend capabilities. It’s ideal for MVPs, SaaS platforms, and data-driven apps, though it has a steeper learning curve and can experience performance limitations as your app grows.
  • Choose Webflow if your focus is on design and you need to create a visually stunning, responsive website or landing page. Webflow excels in design control, and while it’s not equipped for complex backend logic, it integrates well with external services for additional functionality.

Ultimately, Bubble.io is the better option for app builders who need a robust backend, while Webflow is unbeatable for users who prioritize design and frontend customization.

Pushing No-Code to Its Limits

Launching an app has never been more cost-effective and time-efficient. Platforms like Bubble.io and Flutter Flow have transformed the development landscape, enabling developers to create sophisticated applications rapidly.

Fast and Cost-Effective Launch

No-code platforms empower startups to launch their apps at lightning speed—often multiple times faster than traditional development—at a fraction of the cost. This agile approach helps startups focus on growth and innovation rather than high upfront development expenses.

Agile Iteration

For early-stage startups, quickly reaching a problem-solution fit is critical. No-code platforms allow rapid adaptation, letting you implement and push new features live in a matter of hours, not weeks. This flexibility means you can stay responsive to market needs and iterate on your product with ease.

Seamless Integration and Plugins

Platforms like Bubble.io and Flutter Flow come with built-in integrations and a wealth of plugins, giving you instant access to essential features and functionalities. Whether you're building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or scaling up, these platforms make it easy to connect with tools you need, from payments to analytics.

Version Control Made Simple

Launching new versions of your app has never been easier. No-code platforms provide flexible version control, enabling you to create save points, roll back to previous versions if needed, and experiment confidently

Mayfly Ventures: Leading the No-Code Frontier

While no-code development can have limitations in performance and certain functionalities, Mayfly Ventures, led by CTO Geo George, is pushing past these boundaries. We specialise in building high-performance, highly scalable MVPs with advanced features, deep integrations, and native user experiences that feel polished and professional.

Geo has been at the forefront of low-code development, becoming one of the earliest adopters of Bubble.io in Australia. Over the past six years, he’s honed his expertise in low-code and no-code capabilities, training the Mayfly team to push these platforms to their full potential.

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Startup mentor, product strategist, no-code wiz and PMF expert. Eclectic dance style.

Founding Partner

MUCUDU: deep integrations and AI wrapped in low code

Mayfly collaborated with the MUCUDU team to build a low-code MVP for their hospitality tech platform, which includes loyalty management, peer-to-peer monetary gifting, and Tab functionality. Beyond the standard integrations with Stripe, Apple, and Google for login and payments, we incorporated advanced integrations with Point of Sale systems like Doshii and AI-driven recommendations that personalize the dining experience.

With Mayfly Ventures, you get the speed and cost benefits of no-code, combined with the performance and functionality typically reserved for full-stack development.

VOLI Case Study: No-Code in Action

Before working with Mayfly, VOLI’s founder Charlie Crozier had approached 12 different development agencies. As a non-technical founder, Charlie struggled to get his app built and ready for users, with quotes ranging from $300,000 to $1 million. These high costs placed immense pressure on early capital raising.

“When we met Mayfly, both our budget and timeline were completely reevaluated. We were able to go to market at a fraction of the cost and time we had expected—without compromising on quality.”

—  Charlie Crozier, Founder

The Process:

Mayfly worked closely with VOLI through a series of workshops to deeply understand the product, its vision, and user needs. Leveraging no-code and low-code frameworks, we built an enterprise-grade app at a fraction of the cost quoted by other studios. Now in pilot testing, VOLI is preparing for release to 10 companies already on the waitlist.

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No-Code Tools We Love

We use state of the art low code tools and push them to the limit to create performant, scalable, highly functional mobile web apps.


A powerful no-code platform that lets you build fully functional web applications with drag-and-drop ease. Its flexibility allows you to design, develop, and launch complex apps quickly, without writing a single line of code.


A platform designed for building mobile apps using Google’s Flutter framework, Flutterflow simplifies the development process while offering extensive customization, making it a go-to tool for responsive, high-performance mobile applications.


A no-code backend platform that gives you the tools to manage your database, set up APIs, and create scalable back-end solutions, all without the need for server-side programming knowledge.

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The No-Code Revolution

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